“HEALTHY KIDS FUN” GAME EDUKASI TENTANG PENTINGNYA MAKANAN SEHAT DAN BERGIZI (Educational Game "Healthy Kids Fun" About The Importance Of Healthy And Nutritious Food)

ALDINO, FIKHO (2024) “HEALTHY KIDS FUN” GAME EDUKASI TENTANG PENTINGNYA MAKANAN SEHAT DAN BERGIZI (Educational Game "Healthy Kids Fun" About The Importance Of Healthy And Nutritious Food). Strata 1 thesis, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia.

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INTISARI “HEALTHY KIDS FUN” GAME EDUKASI TENTANG PENTINGNYA MAKANAN SEHAT DAN BERGIZI Oleh: Fikho Aldino Makan dan minum adalah kebutuhan dasar manusia untuk menjaga hidup dan memenuhi energi serta zat yang diperlukan oleh tubuh. Makanan terbaik adalah yang sehat dan bergizi seimbang. Namun, anak-anak sering sulit menghilangkan kebiasaan jajan, yang berdampak pada gizi buruk dan penyakit. Observasi di SDN 1 Kaliwungu menunjukkan banyak siswa kelas 5 belum memahami pentingnya makanan sehat dan bergizi. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, metode pembelajaran melalui permainan edukasi seperti "Healthy Kids Fun" menjadi solusi efektif. Game ini menggabungkan pendidikan dalam format interaktif dan menyenangkan, meningkatkan partisipasi dan motivasi belajar siswa. Penelitian ini mengembangkan "Healthy Kids Fun" untuk membantu siswa kelas 5 memahami pentingnya makanan sehat dan bergizi. Metode penelitian menggunakan Game Development Cycle (GDLC) dan pengujian Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Game dibuat dengan Construct 2, CorelDRAW, dan FL Studio. Kata kunci : Permainan Edukasi, Makanan Sehat, GDLC, TAM. "HEALTHY KIDS FUN" EDUCATIONAL GAME ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF HEALTHY AND NUTRITIOUS FOOD By: Fikho Aldino Eating and drinking are basic human needs to maintain life and fulfill energy and substances needed by the body. The best food is healthy and nutritionally balanced. However, children often find it difficult to break the habit of snacking, which leads to malnutrition and disease. Observation at SDN 1 Kaliwungu showed that many grade 5 students did not understand the importance of healthy and nutritious food. To overcome this problem, learning methods through educational games such as "Healthy Kids Fun" is an effective solution. This game incorporates education in an interactive and fun format, increasing student participation and learning motivation. This research developed "Healthy Kids Fun" to help grade 5 students understand the importance of healthy and nutritious food. The research method uses Game Development Cycle (GDLC) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) testing. The game was created with Construct 2, CorelDRAW, and FL Studio. Keywords: Educational Game, Healthy Food, GDLC, TAM.

Item Type: Thesis (Strata 1)
Subjects: INFORMATIKA > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer > S1 Informatika
Depositing User: siswa pkl 4
Date Deposited: 29 Aug 2024 08:08
Last Modified: 29 Aug 2024 08:08
URI: http://repository.teknokrat.ac.id/id/eprint/6147

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