Isnaini, shaleha (2021) STUDENTS’ PERSPECTIVE TOWARDS THE USE OF WHATSAPP IN BLENDED ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING AT SMPN 44 OKU. Strata 1 thesis, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia.

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To break the virus chain, the government of the Republic of Indonesia implemented an online learning method that temporarily closed the teaching and learning process in schools and universities. However, not all areas or places in Indonesia have enough internet connectivity, and the limits of online learning tools such as smartphones prevent people from studying effectively online, causing a few Indonesian schools to combine online and offline learning, or blended learning. Indonesian schools use an online platform that is simple to use for teachers and students to engage in online learning or blended learning. WhatsApp Messenger is one of them. Despite the fact that WhatsApp is very familiar and simple to use, not all Indonesian students are familiar with this learning method, therefore this is a new thing that students must adjust to. Students' perceptions on the use of WhatsApp in this learning method may differ as well. As a result, the purpose of this research is to see how students' perceptions on blended English learning are related to their educational experiences. In this study, the researcher used descriptive qualitative research that focuses on students' perceptions of English blended learning classes using WhatsApp. In this research the data collecting techniques using questionnaire and interview and the participants were thirty eighth grade students of SMPN 44 OKU. The result shows positive responses towards the effectiveness using WhatsApp in blended learning. However, the students’ perceptions about blended learning in terms of teaching and learning is not in good response. The students prefer to do face to face learning in class. There are also the problems faced by the students in when using WhatsApp such as they cannot receive the materials or the tasks when there is blackout and the poor connection in their village.

Item Type: Thesis (Strata 1)
Uncontrolled Keywords: WhatsApp, Blended Learning, Students’ Perception.
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra dan Ilmu Pendidikan > S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Asep Haikal Kurniawan S.IP., M.A
Date Deposited: 08 Mar 2022 08:28
Last Modified: 08 Mar 2022 08:28

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