L2 Acquisition through Game Used by Children in Learning Basic English

Nuryasin, Angga Apresa (2019) L2 Acquisition through Game Used by Children in Learning Basic English. Other thesis, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia.

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This research observed the process of L2 acquisition in children through playing Way Ahead games. Second language acquisition stages and phases were described to support the acquirers in understanding their acquisition level and process, and seeing games as the capable media within the process. This research was aimed to investigate the process and level of L2 acquisition in children by playing Way Ahead game. The theories adopted in this research were the Input Hypothesis from Krashen (1982) and Gregg (1984) and 5 Stages of SLA from Krashen and Terrell (1983). In completing this thesis, the writer used qualitative method to present the data in form of classification and description. The data were obtained from the researcher’s observation with 4 acquirers within a week on June, 2019. The results of this research showed that there were five phases the acquirers needed to pass in the process of L2 acquisition which were comprehensible input, affective filter, LAD and acquired knowledge, receptive language as the monitor, and expressive language as the output. In addition, the results of analysis showed that acquirers were in the 2nd stage of SLA namely the early production stage.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Psycholinguistics, Second Language Acquisition, Way Ahead game.

SASTRA INGGRIS > Literature (General)
SASTRA INGGRIS > Literature (General)

SASTRA INGGRIS > Literature (General) > Fiksi
SASTRA INGGRIS > Literature (General) > Fiksi
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra dan Ilmu Pendidikan > S1 Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: Asep Haikal Kurniawan S.IP., M.A
Date Deposited: 20 Apr 2020 06:31
Last Modified: 28 Apr 2020 04:02
URI: http://repository.teknokrat.ac.id/id/eprint/2147

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